
Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Volatility: The Painful Return to Normal

After a stellar and unusually calm year for stocks in 2021, so far 2022 might appear almost chaotic by comparison, with markets experiencing a sharp correction in January.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

The Hidden Risk in the Stock Market

2021 delivered another stellar year in US stock markets. The S&P 500 index, a commonly used benchmark to measure the US stock market, generated 26.9% excluding dividends¹.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Three Market Surprises in 2021

Despite a slew of concerns including new COVID variants, inflation and supply chain disruptions, here are three surprisingly positive events that have shaped the markets in 2021.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Market Review - October 2021

October was a strong month for equities, following a tough September. Despite ongoing concerns about supply chain disruptions and inflation, strong Q3 corporate earnings lifted the US stock market to reach new all-time highs.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

The long-awaited unwinding road begins

In the November Federal Reserve Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting, Fed policymakers left interest rates near zero but also announced a plan to start winding down or ‘tapering’ its bond purchasing program.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Will Inflation Be Permanently Temporary?

While inflation is higher and likely to remain elevated due to challenges created by the pandemic, a look into the structural composition and the types of inflation may provide insight into how high inflation may go.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Is Gold Losing Its Shine?

A safe haven during the 2020 pandemic, gold rose 20.9%¹ and outperformed the S&P 500 index which gained 18.7%. However, the commodity has slowed down in 2021 and is down -4.7% for the year² despite widespread inflation concerns.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Beyond the inflation headlines

There are two key measures of inflation, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Federal Reserve’s (Fed) preferred measure of Core Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE).

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Market Review - Quarter 2, 2021

As the global economy recovers from the pandemic with varying degrees of success, global stock and bond markets posted broad gains in the second quarter.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Market Review - May 2021

US stocks cooled off to end the month up 0.7% after climbing to new highs in early May amid fears of rising inflation, maintaining strong gains of 12.6% for the year.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

History of Tax Hikes and Market Impact

Despite the assumption many have that increasing tax rates would sink stocks, historically, markets have generated positive returns in the wake of tax increases.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Three takeaways from the COVID crisis

The Covid-19 pandemic continues to be a major theme, but the focus has shifted from the number of cases and hospitalizations to the number of people being vaccinated and progress towards “normalcy”.

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Emily Hipp Emily Hipp

Market Review - March 2021

US stocks ended the month with strong gains of 4.4% despite a constant tug-of-war between optimism about the economic recovery and fears about rising interest rates and inflation.

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